9th Biology Notes I Simple and Easy (Student Level)
By learningcentury.blogspot.com

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After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1)     Define Biology, and its major branches.
2)     Important branches of biology.
3)     Link of biology with Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Economics, and Mathematics.
4)     Careers in Biology.
5)     Five Kingdoms
6)     Verses of the Holy Quran.
7)     Biomolecules and Level of organization
8)     Division of labor among cells and tissues in multicellular organisms.
9)     Unicellular and multicellular organization

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 Biology Chapter 1 PDF


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1)     What is a biological method?
2)     Recognition of biological problems, observation and identification, building up a hypothesis, the deduction, experiment, and result (malaria as an example)
3)     Use of ratio and proportion
4)     Importance of data analysis.
5)     Justify mathematics as an integral part of the scientific process.

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 Biology 9th Chapter no 2


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1)     Define biodiversity.
2)     Major variety of life on earth.
3)     Basis of classification
4)     Aims and Principles of classification
5)     Two and Five kingdom system
6)     Contributions of Abu Usman Umer Aljahiz in classification
7)     Detail note on the virus.
8)     Aims and Principles of Nomenclature
9)     Impacts of human beings on biodiversity
10) Causes of deforestation and its effect on human life
11) Conservation of biodiversity
12) Some issues of conservation in Pakistan.

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  Biology 9th Chapter no 3


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Concept of light and electron microscope
2.      Cell theory and its formation
3.      Difference between plant and animal cell
4.      Describe the cell as a functioning open system
5.      Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell
6.      Cell size, shape and surface area to volume ratio
7.      Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, the active and passive transport system in plants and animal cells
8.      Turgor, plasmolysis and DE plasmolysis
9.      Cell membrane, cell wall, and all organelles found in plant and animal cells
10.  Complete detail of tissue.

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   Biology 9th Chapter no 4


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Cell cycle and its main phases
2.      G1, S and G2 phase of interphase
3.      Cell division in eukaryotic cells i-e Mitosis and Meiosis
4.      Difference between plant and animal mitosis
5.      Significance of mitosis and meiosis
6.      Necrosis and Apoptosis

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 Biology 9th Chapter no 5


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Metabolism and its types i-e catabolism and anabolism
2.      Enzymes as a protein that speed up biochemical reactions
3.      Enzymes in intra and extra cellular
4.      How enzymes speed up a biochemical reaction
5.      The action of the enzyme through “Lock and key model” and “Induce fit model”
6.      Factors that affect the rate of enzyme action

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  Biology 9th Chapter no 6


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Define bio-energetics and its energy conservation in living organisms
2.      Importance of oxidation-reduction reactions.
3.      ATP molecule
4.      ATP as the energy currency of all cells
5.      Photosynthesis is a fundamental process in plant cells
6.      Chlorophyll and how it traps the sunlight energy
7.      Light and Dark Reactions in Photosynthesis
8.      Limiting factors in photosynthesis
9.      An-aerobic respiration and its importance
10.  Aerobic respiration and its importance
11.  Energy difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration
12.  Compare Respiration and Photosynthesis

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   Biology 9th Chapter no 7


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Define mineral nutrition in plants
2.      Macro and Micronutrients
3.      Role of nitrogen and magnesium
4.      Importance of fertilizers
5.      Distinguish between Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fats
6.      Detail note on Vitamins
7.      Water and Dietary Fibers
8.      Describe the concept and need for a balanced diet
9.      Describe the problems of PROTEIN ENERGY MAL-NUTRITION.
10.  Complete detail of HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
11.  Signs and symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, and ulcer.

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 biology 9th chapter 8


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1.      Transport system in plants and animals
2.      Internal structure of root and root hair
3.      Active and passive transport in plant
4.      Relate transpiration with stomatal opening and closing
5.      Factors affecting rate of transpiration
6.      Transpiration as a necessary evil
7.      Pathway of water and food in stem
8.      Theory of pressure flow mechanism in the translocation of food
9.      Blood and its composition
10.  Some Blood diseases
11.  Blood circulatory system
12.  External and internal structure of human heart
13.  Blood vessels and its function
14.  Some heart diseases

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 biology 9th chapter 9


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