Facts Collection I Funny, Amazing, Interesting, and Do you know

By learningcentury.blogspot.com


                       1)     The gate in which no one can enter? Is Colgate.

2)      The most dangerous city? Is Electricity.
3)     The jam which we don’t like? Is Traffic jam.
4)     The rope in which people can live? Is Europe.
5)     What has teeth but cannot eat? A COMB.
6)     Why is six afraid of seven? Because Seven Eight (ate) nine.
7)     What man cannot live inside a house? A snowman.
8)     What time of day is spelled the same forwards and backward? NOON.
9)     Every human (adult or baby) fart 15 times a day.
10) Rabbit and Parrots can see behind themselves without even moving their heads.
11) Most of the dust in your home is actually dead skin.
12) Human gets a little taller in space because there is no gravity pulling down on them.
13) Sneezing with your eyes open is impossible.
14) Butterflies taste food by standing on top of it, because their taste receptors are in their feet, unlike humans who have most on their tongue.


1)     Hummingbirds cannot walk.
2)     Moths have no stomach.
3)     The millipede has several hundred legs maze than any other animal.
4)     The shortest-lived animal is the Mayfly, which lives just one day as an adult.
5)     The bird-eating spider is the largest of all spiders. Its web is strong enough to trap, birds, mice, and other small animals.
6)     The smallest of all creatures are the protozoa. They are so tiny in fact; they can be seen only through an electron microscope.
7)     The slowest growing animal is the deep-sea clam. It takes one hundred years for it to grow to its full size-less than half an inch.
8)     The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.
9)     Bees do not have ears.
10) Alligators cannot move backward.
11) You can cut up a starfish into pieces and each piece will go into a new starfish.
12)  A crocodile’s tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth.


1.      Your mouth produces about 1 liter of saliva each day.
2.      The word ’Muscle’ comes from the Latin term meaning ’Little  Mouse”.
3.      Bodies give off a tiny amount of light that is too weak for us to see.
4.      The average person has 67 different species of Bacteria in their belly button.
5.      You lose about 4kg of skin cells every year.
6.      Laid end-to-end an adult’s blood vessels could circle Earth’s equator four times!
7.      Human get a little taller in space because there is no gravity pulling down on them.
8.      Information zooms along nerves at about 400 kmph!
9.      The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifespan.
10.  Human teeth are just as strong as Shark’s teeth.
11.  Our blood makes up about eight percent of our body weight.
12.  About 50,000 tiny flakes of dead skin drop off the human body every minute.
13.  More than one liter (0.22 gallons) saliva is released into the human mouth each day.
14.  Acid in the human body’s stomach could dissolve an iron nail.
15.  Human stomach can hold about fifteen cups full of water.
16.  Compare to a steel bat of the same weight a bone is far strong.
17.  A human body has around 3 million pain sensors most in the skin.
18.   The highest recorded fever ever was 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
19.   50% of your hand strength comes from your pinky finger.


1)     The country where perfumes mostly used is “Russia”.
2)     The first zoo of the world was made in France.
3)     The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars.
4)     One day of the moon is equal to four days of earth.
5)     The World’s most expensive ice-cream is sold in Dubai at “Scoopy’s” (an ice-cream shop). It is called Black Diamond and it costs 3,000 dirhams
6)     Corn flakes have more genre than people do.
7)     A shark is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes.
8)     Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
9)     A dream is the only English word that ends in the letter ‘mt’.
10)  The first product to have a bar code was chewing gum.
11)  The moon is one million times drier than Gobi Desert.
12)  Hydrofluoric acid dissolves glass.
13)  Chewing gum while peeling onion will keep you safe from crying.


1)     Snakes have sense to predict a coming earthquake up to five days before it happens.
2)     Polar bears could eat 86 penguins in a single sitting.
3)     An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.
4)     A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first passenger in a hot air balloon.
5)     Honey bees have hairs in their eyes.
6)     Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
7)     Honey bees can recognize human faces. 

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